Our emphasis is placed on providing medical care for your pet in the comfort of your home at your convenience. We strive to offer a more relaxed environment for both patient and owner.
A House Call Vet™ provides the following services to our patients:
- Physical Exams
- Vaccinations
- Blood Testing
- Heartworm / Lyme / Ehrlichia
- Feline Leukemia / FIV
- FIP Testing
- General Health Profile
- CBC / Chemistry Profile (includes Liver and Kidney Testing
- Geriatric Blood Screen
- Cushings / Addisons Testing
- Thyroid Testing
- Diabetes Screening
- Autoimmune Testing
- Urinalysis
- In-Home Euthanasia
- Behavioral Consultations
- Tumor Evaluation (via Biopsy or Aspirate)
- Bacterial and Fungal Cultures
- Toxoplasmosis Titers
- Parvo / Distemper / Leptospirosis Testing
- Demodectic / Sarcoptic Mange Detection
- Otodectes (Ear Mite) Testing
- Fecal Examinations
All Major Surgical, Radiographic and Intensive Care services are performed at local Veterinary Hospitals.